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Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy
In Japanese language, Ashi 足 means foot and Atsu 圧means pressure. Ashiatsu oriental bar therapy (AOBT) is a barefoot massage technique in which the therapist uses gravitational forces and distributes her body weight using her feet to apply deep, gentle and painless compression and long gliding strokes over the client's body. The pressure from the massage delivered by feet is deeper, yet less painful than a therapist using a thump or an elbow. Massage cream is applied for lubrication. With slow movement, AOBT provides you deep relaxation. AOBT is NOT the Asian back walking massage. AOBT is also excellent for relieving chronic back pain, loosening adhered tissues and tight muscles, and stimulate the body's own self-healing capabilities. This treatment is recommended for athletes, people with a larger build or anyone wanting to try something new. Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy is recognized by the American Medical Association and approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage (NCBTMB). Please note that Ashiatsu oriental bar therapy (AOBT) is recognized in Canada as a registered massage therapy modality so RMT receipts can be issued when receiving this treatment. Please do not hestitate to call or email me if you have any questions about AOBT.

My custom-made Ashiatsu Massage Table.
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